Embracing the mundane

This simple yet overlooked aspect of life can pull you out of a funk.

It can provide some stability in your day to day. And even in your overall aspect of life.

I'm not sure who needs to read this, but this is for that one person who needs to hear it.

Embrace the mundane. The boring. The simple.

  • Washing dishes
  • Cleaning up after you complete a task
  • A fixed time for your shower routine
  • Learning the fundamentals
  • Focusing on ONE thing until completion

They won't seem like much in the moment, but over time, and in the grand scheme of things, this will turn you into a powerhouse.

You will be able to predict your timing, how long things take you, and give you some confidence knowing that you have a set routine.

You will also turn into the reliable one who gets shit done.

If you reach for the most complex solutions, in just a short time you will feel overwhelmed, and give up on the practice of it. And guess what, you will go back to square one.

So start small. The basics. The foundational pillars. The boring. The unsexy. The mundane.

You'll wonder why you've been skimming this part and trying for the advanced stuff too soon.

Do you agree?


Credit to Brian Grasso from Eliminate Your Limits for sparking this idea of the "Mundane"